Express Cartons

Boxes and Carton Manufacturers in Huntingdon

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Manchetts Store
Heath Road
PE28 2UU

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I greet. My name is Lukasz Lakomiec and originate from Poland. From occupation and form am specialist in electronics, but possess many experiences in many lines, as for example perforation, solderring, wyżynanie, threading, painting. I worked równiez as teller on station paliw as well as as the machine cameraman in the factory of packagings in central England (Birmingham). I am person young and very quickly learn just like equally accommodates to new place, people and obligatory bases. Never was punished. From two years live with family in Birmingham. The majority detali concerning of my person placed in CV. From mountain thank you and have hope that I will he could supply people firm with own person and to have development possibility as well as the turnings out of skill for right and the development of firm. With expressions assessment Lukasz Lakomiec

Lukasz Lakomiec - 25/06/2007 | report this review

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